photo by Andrea Clemente
Dear All,
welcome to our web house.
Here you can find everything about past, present and future of Collisions.
Please navigate through this site or simply subscribe to our newsletter and you’ll see when and where we’ll play live and whatever comes on our way.
Thank you!
Latest News

March Italy Tour
01/03 :: Klang ROMA 18/03 :: tbc MILAN 19/03 :: Binario69 BOLOGNA

Collisions interviewed on
Thanks to Emanuele Proietti and Eugenio Iannetta for a cool interview on Magazine about our story, our interactive technology and our approach to live and visuals. Click here to read it

Video features on Son of Marketing

New live video

Interview on TUTTOROCK webzine
Thanks to Francesco Vaccaro and Tuttorock for this cool interview READ IT HERE

Collisions @ Ronzii festival
Nov 15, Lumiere Pisa. go to event